
Calculate Accessible Boat Slips

How many accessible boat slips do you need? Try out the calculator! And remember…
  • Where the number of boat slips is not identified, each 40 feet (12 m) of boat slip edge provided along the perimeter of the pier shall be counted as one boat slip.
  • The requirement for boat slips also applies to piers where boat slips are not demarcated.
  • Boat slips complying with 1003.3.1 shall be dispersed throughout the various types of boat slips provided.
You can find more information about accessible boat slips in the 2010 ADA Standards Section 235.
Enter Total Number of Boat Slips Provided in Facility:

Calculate Accessible Parking Spaces

How many accessible parking spaces do you need? Try out the calculator! And remember…
  • One of every six Accessible Spaces must be “Van Accessible.”
  • Hospital outpatient facilities need 10% of patient/visitor spaces to be accessible.
  • Rehabilitation facilities that specialize in treating mobility-related conditions and outpatient physical therapy facilities need 20% of patient/visitor spaces to be accessible.
Check out the ADA National Network’s Accessible Parking Fact Sheet for more information.
Enter Total Parking Spaces in Area/Lot or Structure:

Calculate Check-Out Aisles

How many accessible check-out aisles do you need? Try out the calculator! And remember…
  • The number you calculate means that you need that many of each of the following types: check-out aisles, sales counters, service counters, food service lines, queues, and waiting lines (whichever of those are represented in your facility).
  • Where the selling space is under 5000 square feet (465 m2) no more than one check-out aisle shall be required.
  • Where provided, at least one of each type of sales counter and service counter must be accessible.
  • Where self-service shelves are provided for food service lines, at least 50 percent, but no fewer than one, of each type provided shall comply with 308 in the ADA Standards for Accessible Design.
You can find more information about accessible check-out aisles in the 2010 ADA Standards, Section 227.2 and Section 904.
Enter Number of Check-Out Aisles of Each Function:

Calculate Detention Facilities and Correctional Facilities

How many detention facility and correctional facility buildings, or portions thereof, must have accessibility features? Try out the calculator! And remember…
  • Detention facilities include, but are not limited to, jails, detention centers, and holding cells in police stations. Correctional facilities include, but are not limited to, prisons, reformatories, and correctional centers.
  • Accessible cells or rooms should be dispersed among different levels of security, housing categories, and holding classifications.
  • Where special holding cells or special housing cells are provided, at least one cell serving each purpose shall provide mobility features complying with 807.2 of the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design. Cells subject to this requirement include, but are not limited to, those used for purposes of orientation, protective custody, administrative or disciplinary detention or segregation, detoxification, and medical isolation.
  • At least 5 percent, but no fewer than one, of cubicles shall comply with 902 on both the visitor and detainee sides. Where counters are provided, at least one shall comply with 904.4.2 on both the visitor and detainee or inmate sides.
  • Where solid partitions or security glazing separate visitors from detainees or inmates at least one of each type of cubicle or counter partition shall comply with 904.6.
You can find more information about accessible detention facilities in the 2010 ADA Standards, Section 232 and Section 904.
Enter The Total Number of Cells In a Facility:

Calculate Ground Level Play Components Required to be on Accessible Routes

What number and types of ground level play components are required to be on an accessible route? Try out the calculator! And remember…
  • Examples of ground level play components may include spring rockers, swings, diggers, and stand-alone slides. When distinguishing between the different types of ground level play components, consider the general experience provided by the play component.
  • Where ground level play components are provided, at least one of each type shall be on an accessible route
  • If at least 50 percent of the elevated play components are connected by a ramp and at least 3 of the elevated play components connected by the ramp are different types of play components, the play area shall not be required to comply with of the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design.
  • Where elevated play components are provided, at least 50 percent shall be on an accessible route
You can find more information about ground level play components in the 2010 ADA Standards Section 240.2.
Enter Number of Elevated Play Components Provided:

Calculate Receivers for Assistive Listening Systems

How many Assistive Listening Systems does your facility need? Try out the calculator! And remember…
  • In each assembly area where audible communication is integral to the use of the space, an assistive listening system shall be provided.
  • Other than in courtrooms, assistive listening systems shall not be required where audio amplification is not provided.
  • Twenty-five percent minimum of receivers provided, but no fewer than two, shall be hearing-aid compatible.
More information about Assistive Listening Systems in the 2010 ADA Standards Section 219.3. More general information about effective communication may be found in the ADA National Network’s Effective Communication Fact Sheet.
Enter Capacity of Seating In Assembly Area:

Calculate Self-Service Storage Facilities

How many of your self-service storage facilities are required to be accessible? Try out the calculator! And remember…
  • Although there are no technical requirements that are unique to self-service storage facilities, elements and spaces provided in facilities containing self-service storage spaces required to comply with these requirements must comply with the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design where applicable.
  • Individual self-service storage spaces shall be dispersed throughout the various classes of spaces provided. Where more classes of spaces are provided than the number required to be accessible, the number of spaces shall not be required to exceed that required by Table 225.3. Self-service storage spaces complying with Table 225.3 shall not be required to be dispersed among buildings in a multi-building facility.
You can find more information about accessible self-service storage facilities in the 2010 ADA Standards Section 225.3.
Enter Total Spaces in Facility:

Calculate Guest Rooms with Communication Features

How many accessible guest rooms with communication features do you need? Try out the calculator! And remember…
You can find more information about accessible transient lodging in the 2010 ADA Standards Section 224.4 or by looking at our Accessibility Checklist for Hotels, or by checking out our Accessibility for People with Disabilities in Hotels and Places of Lodging fact sheet.
Enter Total Number of Guest Rooms Provided:

Calculate Guest Rooms with Mobility Features

How many accessible guest rooms with mobility features do you need? Try out the calculator! And remember…
You can find more information about accessible transient lodging in the 2010 ADA Standards Section 224.2 , by looking at the Northwest ADA Center’s Accessibility Checklist for Hotels, or by checking out our Accessibility for People with Disabilities in Hotels and Places of Lodging Fact Sheet.
Enter Total Number of Guest Rooms Provided:

Calculate Wheelchair Spaces in Assembly Areas

How many wheelchairs spaces do you need in your assembly area? Try out the calculator! And remember…
  • There must be wheelchair spaces in each luxury box, club box, and suite within arenas, stadiums, and grandstands. The number of wheelchair spaces required in luxury boxes, club boxes, and suites within an arena, stadium, or grandstand is to be calculated box by box and suite by suite.
  • The provision for seating in "other boxes" includes box seating provided in facilities such as performing arts auditoria where tiered boxes are designed for spatial and acoustical purposes.
  • At least one wheelchair space complying with 802.1 shall be provided in team or player seating areas serving areas of sport activity.
  • Wheelchair spaces shall not be required in team or player seating areas serving bowling lanes not required.
  • Wheelchair spaces shall be an integral part of the seating plan.
  • Wheelchair spaces shall provide lines of sight complying with 802.2 and shall comply with 221.2.3 of the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design. In providing lines of sight, wheelchair spaces shall be dispersed. Wheelchair spaces shall provide spectators with choices of seating locations and viewing angles that are substantially equivalent to, or better than, the choices of seating locations and viewing angles available to all other spectators. When the number of wheelchair spaces required by 221.2.1 has been met, further dispersion shall not be required.
  • At least one companion seat shall be provided for each wheelchair space required.
  • At least 5 percent of the total number of aisle seats provided shall comply with 802.4 of the ADA Standards and shall be the aisle seats located closest to accessible routes.
  • Lawn seating areas and exterior overflow seating areas, where fixed seats are not provided, shall connect to an accessible route.
You can find more information about accessible seating in assembly areas in the 2010 ADA Standards Section 221.
For information about purchasing tickets for accessible seating, check out the ADA National Network’s Accessible Parking Fact SheetTicketing Fact Sheet.
Enter Number of Seats:
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