ADA in the News: December 8, 2014

Settlement Agreement: DC Trails Inc.

Man with service dog settles lawsuit against Minneapolis McDonald's

Rick Kupchella's BringMeTheNews

Andrew Tanick, the attorney for the McDonald’s, told the newspaper the agreement does include some requirements to make sure similar incidents won’t happen again.

Service Dog Advocate Files Suit Against Starbucks in Chicago

Digital Journal

After more than five alleged access denials and violations of ADA regulations a Chicago veteran says he needs to resort to a law suit in an attempt to affect policy at Starbucks. L.B. Hodge of Great Lakes, Illinois has filed suit in Lake County Court.

When pigs fly: What rights do animals have?

Communities Digital News

Last week, a woman wanted her pet, a pig, to accompany her on a flight from Connecticut’s Bradley International Airport. She did not claim that her pig was a person, but that it was an “emotional support animal.”

U.S. Department of Transportation rules provide for allowing support animals on commercial flights. Unlike “service” animals (only dogs, actually), “support” animals are not included in the ADA. Thus, laws created by individual cities, states and businesses govern.

U.S. Airways (now formally merging with American Airlines) provides that “to travel with an emotional support or psychiatric service animal in the cabin, the traveler must provide documentation on letterhead dated within 1 year of the flight from a licensed mental health professional or a medical doctor specifically treating the traveler’s mental or emotional disability.” If the animal is not disruptive and does not pose a danger to other passengers, airlines usually allow them on board.

Employee wellness programs continue to focus on obesity despite lawsuits

Business Insurance

Rising obesity-related health care costs are leading some employers to take a firmer approach to workplace wellness programs despite the potential to violate anti-discrimination laws.

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